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Begin met verbeteren

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Volg & Monitor

Volg & Monitor

Bekijk hoe uw concurrenten scoren voor de zoekwoorden waarop u zich richt en houd de populariteit van hun site bij

Kenmerken & prijs


$4.99 USD
  • Inzending bij zoekmachine
  • Verbind Google Analytics
  • Download SEO-rapport als PDF
  • Pagina's gescand - Tot 50
  • Concurrenten volgen - Tot 2
  • Keyword bijhouden en optimaliseren - Tot 5
  • Bijgewerkt rapport & plan - Wekelijk
  • SEO-plan op maat - Gelimiteerd
  • Maandelijks voortgangsrapport


$14.99 USD
  • Inzending bij zoekmachine
  • Verbind Google Analytics
  • Download SEO-rapport als PDF
  • Pagina's gescand - Tot 1000
  • Concurrenten volgen - Tot 4
  • Keyword bijhouden en optimaliseren - Tot 20
  • Bijgewerkt rapport & plan - Dagelijks
  • SEO-plan op maat - Compleet met stap-voor-stap handleiding
  • Maandelijks voortgangsrapport

Our Customers Say

Learn why we are trusted by over 35,000 clients worldwides

marketgoo made the complicated simple for me. I never knew where to start with SEO until I started using this service. Literally, I more than doubled my traffic when I started using this.

Heather Figi
Heather Figi
Lees de casestudy

Without marketgoo I would never have been able to have my website on the first page of google for all the keywords that are linked to my business, its ease of use and the customer service when I’ve needed help has been first class.

Ian Glass
Ian Glass
Lees de casestudy

Such a simple reliable platform! It’s helped me see where we stand next to our local competitors. Its part of our day to day. The best feature is the keyword tool.

Simon Saleh
Simon Saleh
Lees de casestudy

marketgoo reports give me everything I need to know for my site’s SEO. I am constantly fine tuning my site to work towards a higher rating. I read various marketgoo reports then immediately work out how to implement recommendations.

Svein Koningen
Svein Koningen
Lees de casestudy

marketgoo made the complicated simple for me. I never knew where to start with SEO until I started using this service. Literally, I more than doubled my traffic when I started using this.

Heather Figi
Heather Figi
Lees de casestudy

Without marketgoo I would never have been able to have my website on the first page of google for all the keywords that are linked to my business, its ease of use and the customer service when I’ve needed help has been first class.

Ian Glass
Ian Glass
Lees de casestudy

Such a simple reliable platform! It’s helped me see where we stand next to our local competitors. Its part of our day to day. The best feature is the keyword tool.

Simon Saleh
Simon Saleh
Lees de casestudy

marketgoo reports give me everything I need to know for my site’s SEO. I am constantly fine tuning my site to work towards a higher rating. I read various marketgoo reports then immediately work out how to implement recommendations.

Svein Koningen
Svein Koningen
Lees de casestudy

marketgoo made the complicated simple for me. I never knew where to start with SEO until I started using this service. Literally, I more than doubled my traffic when I started using this.

Heather Figi
Heather Figi
Lees de casestudy

Without marketgoo I would never have been able to have my website on the first page of google for all the keywords that are linked to my business, its ease of use and the customer service when I’ve needed help has been first class.

Ian Glass
Ian Glass
Lees de casestudy

Such a simple reliable platform! It’s helped me see where we stand next to our local competitors. Its part of our day to day. The best feature is the keyword tool.

Simon Saleh
Simon Saleh
Lees de casestudy

marketgoo reports give me everything I need to know for my site’s SEO. I am constantly fine tuning my site to work towards a higher rating. I read various marketgoo reports then immediately work out how to implement recommendations.

Svein Koningen
Svein Koningen
Lees de casestudy

FAQs en Support

Moet ik Lite of Pro kiezen??

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Brengt marketgoo de aanbevolen wijzigingen aan of doe ik dat??

marketgoo is een doe-het-zelf-tool, dus hoewel we u helpen met het analyseren van uw site en het geven van aanbevelingen met taken en instructies om uw site te optimaliseren. Brengen wij deze wijzigingen niet voor u aan, dit dient u zelf te doen.

Waarom heb ik SEO nodig??

U werkt aan uw SEO om de positie van uw site in de zoekresultaten te verbeteren. Dit leidt tot het aantrekken van meer verkeer - en idealiter om dat verkeer om te zetten in klanten en leads.

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