If you are unable to send email, you should first verify that you have your email client configured properly. Below are the SMTP SSL and Non SSL settings. You should use one of the following:

- - -
Incoming Server: mail.example.com
Outgoing Server: mail.example.com
Username: Your full e-mail address
Password: Your e-mail account password
Incoming Port: POP3 110 or IMAP 143
Outgoing Mail server (SMTP) Port: 587
SMTP Authentication Required
Secure Authentication or SPA needs to be turned off

Incoming Server: example.com
Outgoing Server: example.com
Username: Your full e-mail address
Password: Your e-mail account password
Incoming Port: POP3 995 or IMAP 993
Outgoing Mail server (SMTP) Port: 465
SMTP Authentication Required
Secure Authentication or SPA needs to be turned off
- - - 

Port 25 Blocking
If you cannot send mail, the problem is likely a restriction by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) as many block the normal sendmail port 25, due to their own security concerns. This can be the case even if sending was working recently as some ISP's roll these changes through without warning.

Preferred Solution

As your ISP is blocking port 25, the preferred solution is to use the outgoing mail server provided by your ISP. As each Internet Service Provider has different settings you will need to use (such as username and password, smtp server...), you will need to contact your ISP for the correct settings. We do have alternate solutions to this which involve going over port 465 or 587 instead of 25, however if your ISP begins to block 465 or 587 in the future, you will once again be unable to send email.

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